PGCC’s Position in Line with Israeli Interests: Hezbollah Official

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior member of the central council of Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement said the recent decision by the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) to label Hezbollah as a terrorist organization is in line with Israel’s interests.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency, Khader Nooruddin pointed to recent meetings between some officials of the PGCC member states and Israel, saying the meetings demonstrate the fact that the PGCC members are against Hezbollah and fully at the service of the West and Israel.

He further highlighted Hezbollah’s victories over the Israeli regime in recent years, saying the movement has managed to destroy the myth of the Israeli army’s invincibility.

The politicians of the member states of the PGCC, who are dissatisfied with Israel’s humiliation, have adopted the decision against Hezbollah in line with the interests of the Zionist regime, Nooruddin went on to say.

The Arab monarchies of the Persian Gulf on March 2 declared Hezbollah movement, which has been fighting terrorist groups in Syria and the Israeli occupation, a “terrorist group.”

The six-nation (Persian) Gulf Cooperation Council officially added Hezbollah and all groups affiliated to its so-called list of “terrorist” organizations.

One day later, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian said those who recently declared Hezbollah a terrorist group are damaging the unity and security of Lebanon.

“Referring to Hezbollah, the most influential resistance movement, as a terrorist group, and ignoring the Zionist regime’s crimes is a new mistake that is not in the interest of regional stability and security,” Amir Abdollahian said.