Brexit Backer Politician, Nigel Farage, Steps Down as UKIP Leader

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Brexit supporter Nigel Farage quit as the leader of the UK Independence Party, saying on Monday that his political ambition to see the Britain leave the European Union had been achieved.

"I came into this struggle from business because I wanted us to be a self-governing nation, not to become a career politician," Farage said in a statement. He said that he had "done his bit" and that the party was in a "pretty good place."

While Farage was a high profile backer of the movement to take the Britain out of the EU, he was not a member of the British Parliament. He represents UKIP at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, a position he has not resigned from, the USA Today reported. 

It is the second time Farage has resigned. He quit as UKIP's chief in 2015 after a general election that saw the party sharply increase its share of the popular vote but fail to secure more than a single parliamentary seat.

Farage said that this time he would not change his mind and that he would keep his seat in Strasbourg so he could take part in the Britain's negotiations with the EU to leave the bloc.