Iranian Police Searching for Suspects after MP Escapes Assassination Attempt

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian security forces in the western province of Kermanshah are trying to identify attackers a day after a member of the parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission escaped an assassination attempt, a provincial police official said.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency, Deputy Police Chief of Kermanshah Province Colonel Mohammad Reza Amouyee said immediately after “the terrorist attack”, security forces went to the scene and started measures to identify and arrest attackers.

He added that no terrorist group or anti-Iran movement has claimed responsibility for the attack.

The commander also emphasized that after the attack, support troops were deployed to the central district of Dalahu County, Kermanshah, and restored tranquility in the region.

Chairman of the Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi has also left Tehran for Kermanshah to examine the incident in person.

Heshmatollah Falahat Pishe, a member of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, escaped the assassination attempt on Sunday when gunmen riddled his car with bullets.

Four gunmen opened fire on the convoy of the lawmaker and his accompanying delegation after blocking their path near Rijab, a village in Ban Zardeh Rural District, in the central district of Dalahu County.

Falahat Pishe, Faramarz Akbari, the governor of Dalahu, as well as Seyed Farzad Afzali, the province’s head of Fisheries Organization, suffered serious injuries in the shooting, according to Yusuf Shah Hosseini, political, security and social deputy of the province’s governor general.

The MP’s general condition is good, but he would require some time to fully recover.

However, driver of Dalahu’s governor and an expert at Kermanshah’s Veterinary Organization, were martyred in the terrorist attack.

Such attacks are rare in Iran, but terrorist groups like the Party for Free Life in Kurdistan (PJAK) stage hit-and-run assaults in border areas from time to time.