Local Officials, Residents Warn Afghanistan’s Kohistan May Fall to Taliban

KABUL (Tasnim) – Afghanistan’s northern region of Kohistan, Farayab province, could fall to the Taliban if the country’s security forces are not promptly supplied with necessary military equipment and weaponry, locals warn on Wednesday.

Unless the government takes urgent action and sends military aid, the Kohistan region could collapse within 24 hours, local officials and residents said, according to Tasnim dispatches.

Referring to the Taliban’s intensified attacks against security forces in the past two weeks, Vakil Mohebollah, a local official, stressed that the volatile northern region would be lost soon if the central government does not provide help.

Afghanistan is gripped by insecurity 15 years after the United States and its allies attacked the country as part of Washington’s so-called war on terror.

The war removed the Taliban from power but insecurity is still rampant in the country despite the presence of thousands of foreign troops.