Syrian Army Retakes Rebel-Held Areas East of Aleppo

DAMASCUS (Tasnim) – The Syrian military forces liberated large pieces of territory controlled by the terrorist groups in eastern side of Aleppo after fierce clashes with the Takfiri terrorists.

On Friday, the Syrian troops retook the bulk of Ard Al-Hamra neighborhood northwest of Aleppo International Airport, east of the city.

Elsewhere in northern Aleppo, the Syrian Army made advances in a number of areas including al-Manashir and al- Kasarat.

Aleppo, once Syria’s commercial and industrial hub, has been divided roughly in two since 2012, with the government controlling the west and terrorists the east.

Syria has been gripped by civil war since March 2011 with various terrorist groups, including Daesh (also known as ISIS or ISIL), currently controlling parts of it.

According to a report by the Syrian Center for Policy Research, the conflict has claimed the lives of over 470,000 people, injured 1.9 million others, and displaced nearly half of the country’s pre-war population of about 23 million within or beyond its borders.