Russia Says to Respond Forcefully If US Toughens Sanctions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russia is able to take asymmetrical and forceful measures if the United States introduces tougher sanctions on Russia, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told lawmakers Wednesday.

Ryabkov was in the lower house of parliament discussing legislation related to the suspension of a treaty with Washington on cleaning up weapons-grade plutonium, something President Vladimir Putin suspended this month, Reuters reported.

On October 5, Russia announced the suspension of a nuclear and energy sector cooperation agreement with the US over Washington-imposed sanctions due to the crisis in Ukraine.

The two countries signed the agreement on scientific and technical cooperation in the utilization of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in September 2013.

The US has imposed an array of sanctions against Russia since 2014, when clashes between the US-backed government in Kiev and pro-Russia forces erupted in eastern Ukraine.

On Sunday, Britain and the United States said they were considering imposing additional sanctions on Syrian President Bashar Assad and his supporters for their actions in Syria's war.