France Says Would Have to Clarify Key Issues on Syria, Iran under Trump’s Presidency

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - France would need to clarify with the United States key issues such as the conflict in Syria, Iran's nuclear deal and climate change, if Donald Trump became the US President, the country's foreign minister said Wednesday.

Jean-Marc Ayrault also told France 2 Television that he thought Trump's personality raised "questions". He made the comments before Trump garnered more than 270 electoral votes needed to win the US presidency. 

Hours after the French diplomat's comments, reports said Donal Trump will become the 45th president of the United States and the first candidate to win the presidency without having previously held public office or served in the US military.

Asked about Trump's personality he said: "It makes you think, it asks questions. It has certainly provoked reactions."

Ayrault said it looked likely Trump had won power, adding, "and France is an ally of the United States. We are therefore a key partner, and we need to work together for stability and peace in the world, and for a world which tackles the key issues facing it."

"We are going to need to understand what the new president will want to do," he added, Reuters reported.

"What is going to happen to the Paris climate change deal? On the Iran nuclear deal? These are key questions that we are already asking ourselves."