Syrian Warplanes Target Daesh Positions in Aleppo, Kill Scores

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syrian warplanes and artillery pounded Daesh (ISIL or ISIL) positions in eastern Aleppo, inflicting major material losses and casualties on them.

On Monday, Syria’s Air Force and the artillery targeted the Daesh terrorists’ gathering centers in Istislah al-Aradi district in Deir Hafer, east of the embattled northwestern city of Aleppo, destroying 10 SUVs equipped with heavy machine guns, a military source told the official SANA news agency.

Large groups of the Takfiri militants lost their lives during the operation.

Separately, the Syrian forces struck a severe blow to Jaish al-Fath terrorists in the northwestern province of Idlib after targeting their hideouts in al-Tamana’a region.

Additionally, scores of the Takfiri terrorists were killed in the areas of Taibet al-Imam, Tal skeik, Hasraya, Morek, Atshan, Latmen and Kfar Zeita in the west-central province of Hama by the government forces.

Also, the Syrian army troops on Monday killed several members of the Takfiri Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, formerly known as al-Nusra Front, in Quneitra southern province.

Syria has been gripped by civil war since March 2011 with various terrorist groups, including Daesh (also known as ISIS or ISIL), currently controlling parts of it.

According to a report by the Syrian Center for Policy Research, the conflict has claimed the lives of over 470,000 people, injured 1.9 million others, and displaced nearly half of the country’s pre-war population of about 23 million within or beyond its borders.