Putin Hails Aleppo Recapture, Moves to Expand Syria Presence

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday the recapture of the northwestern city of Aleppo by Syrian forces was a "very important" step towards stabilizing the Arab country.

"The liberation of Aleppo from radical elements is a very important part of the normalization in Syria, and I hope, for the region overall," Putin told defense minister Sergei Shoigu in a meeting, the Kremlin said, AFP reported.

The Syrian army said late Thursday that it had retaken full control of Aleppo, scoring its biggest victory against Takfiri terrorists since the conflict erupted in 2011.

Putin said that after the ouster of militants from Aleppo, Moscow will now look to end fighting across the country.

"Everything needs to be done for fighting to stop on all Syrian territory," he said.

"In any case, we will strive toward this."

Putin said during his annual press conference Friday that he hoped that fresh peace talks could get all sides in the conflict to agree to a nationwide ceasefire.

"The next step must be the conclusion of a ceasefire agreement on all of Syria's territory," he said.

Putin said that the presidents of Iran, Turkey and Syria had agreed to take part in new peace talks, which Russia had proposed take place in the Kazakh capital Astana.

The Kremlin said Friday that Putin had signed an order to expand Russia's naval facility in the Syrian city of Tartus and allow Russian warships into Syrian waters.

Russia's defense ministry said in October that Moscow was poised to transform the Tartus facility into a permanent base, without providing a timeline for its transformation.

Russia, a Syria ally, has been providing military assistance to Damascus in its battle against foreign-backed terrorism.

The conflict in Syria, which flared up in March 2011, has claimed the lives of more than 470,000 people.