Iraqi Jets Bomb Daesh Positions in Mosul

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iraqi fighter jets targeted positions of Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group in western parts of the city of Mosul on Wednesday, destroying a number of arms depots and workshops used to rig vehicles with explosives for bombings.

As part of a military plan to hit carefully selected targets in the war against Daesh terrorists in the northern city of Mosul, the Iraqi warplanes bombed a telecommunication tower, an arms depot and a stockpile of ammunition in western parts of the city on Wednesday, Arabic-language Alsumaria news agency quoted Iraqi officials as saying in a statement.

The airstrikes also destroyed several places west of Mosul in which Daesh militants made improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and rigged cars with explosives for suicide attacks.

A large-scale military operation to retake Mosul from terrorists has been going on since October 17, 2016. The battle began with 30,000 Iraqi soldiers backed by Hashid al-Shaabi (voluntary) and Kurdish fighters. Mosul has been occupied by Daesh since 2014.

On January 3, the Iraqi Rapid Reaction Brigade’s forces recaptured al-Misaq neighborhood east of Mosul, while the Iraqi Federal Police forces could also retake Sumar neighborhood in the same area.