Trump Commits to NATO Summit Appearance

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Despite loudly voiced objections to its relevancy and its funding, US President Donald Trump has committed to attend a meeting of NATO leaders in Europe in May, according to the organization.

Trump, who was outspoken on the campaign trail about the role -- and upkeep -- of the security pact, spoke with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Sunday night.

During the call, the two leaders "reconfirmed the importance of the Alliance in troubled times," according to a statement from NATO.

Trump and Stoltenberg specifically discussed NATO allies meeting their defense spending commitments, the role of the organization in defeating terror, and the potential for a peaceful resolution to the Ukrainian conflict.

"The Secretary General recalled NATO's consistent policy of strong defense and dialogue with Russia," the statement reads. "The Secretary General and President Trump looked forward to the upcoming NATO summit in Brussels in late May to discuss these issues."

The White House confirmed that Trump would attend the summit, CNN reported.