Iran Offers Help to Afghanistan after Avalanches

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran expressed readiness to assist neighboring Afghanistan with rescue efforts after avalanches killed more than 100 people in recent days.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi on Monday expressed condolences to the Afghan government and nation over deaths from the avalanches and freezing weather.

The spokesperson also said that Iran is ready to provide assistance in rescue operations in the affected regions in Afghanistan.

An Afghan state minister said on Monday that avalanches triggered by heavy snowfall have killed at least 119 people across the country in the past days.

According to Wais Ahmad Barmak, at least 89 people have been injured and 190 homes destroyed by avalanches in several provinces.

Deadly avalanches are common in Afghanistan’s mountainous areas in winter and rescue efforts are frequently hampered by lack of equipment.