Iranian MPs to Weigh Response to New US Sanctions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission is going to discuss the recent US measure to impose new sanctions on Iranian officials and companies and make the necessary decisions, the spokesperson for the commission said.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency on Thursday, Hossein Naqavi Hosseini said members of the influential parliamentary commission will convene a session to address the fresh US sanctions.

His comments came after the US Treasury Department on Wednesday imposed sanctions on two Iranian defense officials, an Iranian company and members of a China-based network for what it called supporting Iran's ballistic missile program.

Elsewhere in his comments, Naqavi Hosseini called on Foreign Ministry officials to take the necessary action against US hostile moves, saying he has information about more than 50 anti-Iranian sanctions being drafted in the US Congress.

He also predicted that the US government would begin a fresh wave of sanctions against Tehran on bogus charges following Iran’s presidential election.

On Thursday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry said it has added nine American individuals and companies to its list of sanctions for sponsoring terrorism or action against Iran’s national security as a retaliatory measure against the new US embargoes.