Iran Urges World Community to Compel US to Implement Int’l Commitments

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi deplored Washington’s decision to pull out of the Paris agreement on climate change, saying the world community should make the US adhere to its international commitments.

“The withdrawal of the United States of America from the Paris accord indicates the irresponsibility of this country’s government vis-a-vis the international community,” Qassemi said on Saturday.

“Climate changes have caused big global challenges and combating the horrific consequences of them requires complete and sincere cooperation of all countries, particularly industrialized governments,” he added.

He emphasized that these changes would have “destructive impacts” on developing countries, especially in West Asia, including excessive rise in temperature, vast economic and social damage, drought, dust storm, newly-emerging diseases, displacement and immigration.

The Iranian spokesperson condemned as “unacceptable” the lack of commitment to the Paris agreement by a country that is the second largest producer of greenhouse gases.

Qassemi urged the international community to compel the new US administration to completely and precisely implement Washington’s international commitments.

It is imperative to avoid undermining international agreements such as the Paris accord, which is a symbol of joint cooperation among countries across the world and enhanced multilateralism, he said.

Qassemi added that the Islamic Republic believes that the US cannot shirk its responsibility towards climate changes emanating from greenhouse gas emissions by its “irresponsible” withdrawal from the Paris agreement.

Speaking at a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden on Thursday, Trump said he was withdrawing the US from the Paris Climate Agreement.

“In order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate accord,” Trump said.

He called the deal unfair to American workers and said it stifled production and imposed burdens on the country.

Earlier on Saturday, The head of Iran’s Department of Environment (DoE), Massoumeh Ebtekar, said Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate deal would not lead to the collapse of the accord.

She described Trump’s move as completely unscientific and uncalculated.