UN Chief Guterres Calls for National Dialogue to End Venezuela Crisis

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday called for a national dialogue in Venezuela to end the crisis in the country just days before a symbolic, opposition-led vote on the government's plan to rewrite the constitution.

"Our concern regarding Venezuela is more present than ever," Guterres said in a statement.

"A national dialogue is urgently needed in Venezuela between the government and the opposition."

The dialogue would focus on ending violence and ensuring agreement on the way forward regarding the constitution, he added, AFP reported.

The appeal came ahead of a symbolic vote on Sunday, organized by the opposition-led National Assembly, on President Nicolas Maduro's bid to hold an election 30 July for a new assembly tasked with drafting a constitution.

At least 90 people have died in more than three months of protests against Maduro. His opponents accuse him of authoritarianism as the country faces crippling shortages of food, medicine and other essentials.

"The way out is through an agreement, elections and respect for fundamental rights and constitutional powers," said Guterres.

"The way out must be found by Venezuelans alone, and the international community must support peaceful outcomes based on political dialogue.

"Only a political solution can restore hope to Venezuela," he added.

The United Nations has kept its distance from the Venezuela crisis to allow regional players the space to try to mediate an end to the crisis.

The United States raised concerns about Venezuela at the Security Council in May, but there have been no subsequent requests for the top United Nations body to become involved.

United States Ambassador Nikki Haley said last month, however, that the "international community must act" after a US-backed proposal for mediation failed to win support at the Organization of American States.