Iran Offers Condolences to Syria over Deir Ez-Zor Terror Attack

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi offered his condolences to the Syrian people and government over a recent terrorist attack in the Arab country that killed and injured dozens of people.

In a statement on Sunday, Qassemi condemned the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist bombing that targeted a refugee gathering in the eastern province.

The blast occurred on the outskirts of the city, in the area near Conoco and al-Jafra gas fields, on Saturday. A large number of children and women fell victim to the explosion.

“Such inhumane and brutal acts by the Daesh terrorist group are clear signs of the group’s frustration and defeat,” Qassemi said.

He added that the days of Daesh in Syria were numbered thanks to the resistance and unity of the Syrian nation and government.

The attack on civilians came just a day after the Syrian army announced that it had succeeded in fully liberating Deir Ez-Zor from the terrorists, killing large numbers of Daesh militants, destroying their equipment and taking hold of weapon caches abandoned by terrorists as they fled.

Syrian troops have been wiping out the last pockets of resistance in the city after breaking a three-year Daesh siege in September, backed by the Russian Air Force.