Iranian President Congratulates Lebanon on Independence Day

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani offered congratulations to the Lebanese people and government on the Arab country’s Independence Day.

In a message to Lebanon's president, Michel Aoun, on Tuesday, Rouhani congratulated Aoun and the Lebanese nation on the country’s Independence Day.

He expressed confidence that Beirut could easily defuse all "fabricated" crises created against the Arab country under Aoun’s presidency through the unity of various political groups.

Lebanon gained independence from France 74 years ago, in 1943, when France was occupied by Germany during World War II.

On Tuesday, Michel Aoun attended a military parade in central Beirut, the first such celebration in two years, to mark the Independence Day.

Aoun, 81, secured the presidency in October 2016 by winning the support of 83 lawmakers, well above the absolute majority of 65 needed to win.

Lebanon had been without a head of state for 29 months after Michel Suleiman stepped down as president at the end of his term in May 2014.