Iran Urges Intelligence Cooperation for Regional Security

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Speaker of Iran’s parliament called for closer intelligence cooperation among regional countries in the fight against terrorism, proposing that the countries attending a counterterrorism conference in Pakistan should set up a committee to share intelligence.

Addressing the six-party conference on the threat of terrorism, held in Islamabad on Sunday, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani called on his counterparts from Pakistan, Russia, China, Turkey and Afghanistan to attach more significance to interaction among their intelligence organizations and data sharing.

He also proposed the idea of formation of a special committee to coordinate counterterrorism efforts and share intelligence data to ensure regional security.

Denouncing the Western so-called anti-terror military coalition for its ineffectual war against terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq, Larijani said the main reason behind the fall of the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group was the formation of the Iran-Russia-Turkey coalition.

Terrorist activities would die down only when schools promoting Takfiri ideologies are closed, he added, saying Wahhabism has resorted to baseless and wrong teachings in the name of Islam to justify massacre of innocent people.

Larijani has joined his counterparts in Islamabad for the two-day meeting to discuss and address the challenges of terrorism and inter-regional connectivity.

The idea to hold such a gathering was put forward by Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan Sardar Ayaz Sadiq during the 2nd meeting of the Eurasian Parliaments’ Speakers in Seoul, back in June, according to Pakistani sources.

Iran has always called for concerted action by the regional countries in the fight against terrorism, and has launched security and intelligence cooperation with its neighbors to counter terrorist operations, particularly along border areas.