Zarif Hits Back at Pompeo for Iran Protest Comments

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif hit back at US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for his comments on civil demonstrations in Iran, saying “those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.”

In a stinging response to a Wednesday message from Pompeo about the recent protests in Iran and the allegation that Iranian people are tired of their leaders, Foreign Minister Zarif pointed to the US government’s wrong and controversial policies that have drawn public condemnation in the US.

Making a reference to the continuing anti-government rallies by American people across the United States, Zarif wrote in his tweet on Thursday, “Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.”

The following is the full text of Foreign Minister Zarif’s press statement, which has made alterations to the phrases in Pompeo’s message to respond to his accusations:

“Press Statement

Mohammad Javad Zarif

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Tehran, Iran

June 28, 2018

The US government is squandering its citizens' resources, whether its adventurism in Iraq and Afghanistan, its blind support for Israel and terror-sponsoring regimes, or its wasteful expansion of its nuclear arsenal: it will only add to the suffering of the people of America. As I have said before, it should surprise no one that protests continue in the US, at the border, at prisons, and in Washington DC and all 50 states this weekend. The American people are demanding their leaders share the country's wealth and respond to their legitimate needs, so that 40 million Americans won’t live below the poverty line in the world’s richest nation. We condemn the US government’s same futile tactics of suppression, imprisonment of protesters, separation of immigrant families and caging of their babies, and the denial of Americans' frustrations. The people of the United States are tired of the corruption, injustice and incompetence from their leaders. The world hears their voice."

The statement came after Pompeo said on Wednesday: "It should surprise no one Iran protests continue. People are tired of the corruption, injustice, and incompetence of their leaders. The world hears their voice.”

It came after protesters in Tehran swarmed the grand bazaar on Monday and forced shopkeepers to close their stalls.

Prosecutor general of Tehran said a number of people who incited turmoil and forced the closure of the grand bazaar have been arrested.