Vehicle Hits Seven Pedestrians in New York City, One Killed, Officials Say

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A car running in reverse struck seven pedestrians in New York City on Monday and one person died in the apparent accident, officials said.

The 70-year-old driver may have mistaken the gas pedal for the brake as he was attempting to reverse into a parking spot, said New York Police Department Fifth Precinct Executive Officer Michael Gulinello.

Gulinello cautioned that details about the cause of the incident were still preliminary, Reuters reported.

The driver struck several people on a sidewalk around a food stand, he said.

One person died and six others were injured, including two who were hospitalized in critical condition and two who were in severe condition, officials said.

The driver did not try to leave the area of the incident in the Chinatown section of Manhattan, New York police spokeswoman Jessica McRorie said.