Yellow Vest Protester Gunned Down by French CRS Sniper in Paris (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A video shows Yellow Vest protester is being hit while surrendering himself to French police.

The footage that was published in French language social media apparently shows a ‘Yellow Vest’ protester in being shot by the CRS riot police  (Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité) in a Paris street while other videos emerged that shows French riot police taking positions on the roof tops as anti-Macron riots turn violent.

According to media reports over 5,000 police were deployed as angry protestors began breaking stuff, smashing store windows and battling with government riot squads.

Despite the show of force by police the crowd overwhelmed their positions and set up barricades to block any effort by the French government to break up their protests. 

Check points along the Champs Eleysees and Arc de Triomphe were taken over by the scale of the crowd. However, it’s not just Paris – disruptive protests are happening throughout France.