Assad Permits Iraqis to Strike Daesh in Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syrian President Bashar Assad authorized Iraqi forces to attack Daesh elements inside Syria without waiting for permission from authorities in Damascus.

Assad Saturday received a letter from Iraq’s Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi calling for both countries’ coordination in fighting terrorism.

The Syrian president, according to the state news agency SANA, received the letter as the two allies coordinate their fight against terrorists ahead of a planned US withdrawal from Syria.

In Tehran, Iran and Syria on Sunday signed a long-term strategic and economic agreement as the war winds down in Syria where Iran and Russia were the main backers of Assad’s government since the crisis began nearly eight years ago.

Syria’s SANA news agency quoted Syrian Economy and Foreign Trade Minister Mohammad Samer al-Khalil, who signed the agreement, as saying that the deal includes “full cooperation on the financial and banking levels.”

He added that this would allow Iranian companies to be present through investments in Syria.

The Syrian government has gained control of large parts of the country with the help of Iran and Russia. Some Arab countries, including the oil-rich United Arab Emirates, have reopened their embassies in Damascus.

The Syrian government estimates reconstruction of the war-torn country will cost some $200 billion and the last 15 years.

Khalil said that “priority in the reconstruction of Syria will be given to Iranian public and private companies,” according to the report.