Iran’s Foreign Minister Meets Lebanese, Palestinian Figures in Beirut

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif held meetings with members of Lebanese and Palestinian political groups during a visit to Beirut.

Zarif who arrived in Beirut on Sunday held separate meetings with the representatives of Lebanese and Palestinian political parties during the first day of his stay in Lebanon.

In a meeting with representatives of Lebanese political parties and movements, Zarif expressed satisfaction with his visit to Lebanon on the eve of the 40th anniversary of victory of the Islamic Revolution which he said marks the resistance of Iranian people against the hostility of great powers. 

“It is an honor for us that we have always stood with the nations of the region, especially the Lebanese people. We are standing with the Lebanese people and are ready to expand our cooperation in various fields of mutual interest,” the Iranian foreign minister noted.

In the gathering, the representatives of Lebanese political parties and movements also congratulated Iran on the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution victory and expressed their views on the situation in Lebanon and the region and the ways to expand ties between the two countries.

In another meeting in Beirut, members of the Political Bureau of Hamas Movement held talks with Zarif. In the get-together, the two sides discussed the issues relating to the region and Palestine, especially the situation in the Gaza Strip.

The top Iranian diplomat also held a meeting with Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad resistance movement Ziad al-Nakhala. In the meeting, held on Sunday afternoon, the two sides talked about the regional situation, particularly the developments surrounding Palestine and the Resistance Movement.

In another gathering, leaders of the Syria-based and Lebanon-based Palestinian groups held talks with Zarif to offer congratulations on the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution victory.

Zarif and the Palestinian leaders also discussed the regional issues, with a focus on the issue of Palestine and the importance of unity and solidarity for thwarting the plots hatched by the enemies of the Muslim world and the Palestinian people.