Iran Calls Developments in Sudan An Internal Issue

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson described the recent political developments in Sudan as an internal affair of the African state, saying Tehran will not interfere.

“Iran’s principled policy is not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries,” Bahram Qassemi said on Thursday.

The Foreign Ministry’s website quoted him as saying that Iran has always called for, and will continue to call for the stability and security of the Muslim countries.

“We hope that all Sudanese parties would pursue their demands with restraint and peacefully while using all peaceful means and adopting the policy of interaction and dialogue,” Qassemi added.

He also expressed the hope that calm and stability would be restored in Sudan as soon as possible.

His comments came after Sudan's military overthrew and arrested President Omar al-Bashir after months of protests against his nearly 30-year rule.

In a statement on Thursday, General Awad Ibn Auf, head of the Supreme Security Committee -a body comprised of the armed forces, police, and other security agencies- said al-Bashir had been taken to a "safe place" after the "toppling of the regime" and also announced the formation of a military-led transitional government, which will rule for two years.

Ibn Auf also declared a three-month state of emergency and the suspension of the 2005 constitution, as well as the closure of Sudan's airspace for 24 hours and of border crossings until further notice.