Iran Condemns US Threat of Military Action in Venezuela

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Abbas Mousavi strongly slammed recent “attempts” by the US to stage a military coup in Venezuela and American officials’ remarks on military action against the Latin American country.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran condemns US attempts to conduct a coup or any kind of military action in Venezuela and the US officials’ remarks (aimed at) provoking turmoil and violence in that country,” Mousavi said in a statement on Thursday night.

"Threatening to use force against other countries is a blatant violation of international law, particularly the United Nations Charter," he said.

"We expect the UN secretary-general and all members of the international community to condemn such remarks and act accordingly,” the spokesman added.

"Unfortunately, global order and stability is at risk by some warmongers and lawless vandals in the US administration and all members of the international community should shoulder their important responsibility to prevent such measures and inventions,” he went on to say.

The remarks came after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan and National Security Adviser John Bolton expressed full support for the opposition in Venezuela and announced that the US military was ready to join their push against the administration of President Nicolas Maduro.

On Tuesday morning, the opposition leader, Juan Guaido, standing near the La Carlota air force base in capital Caracas and surrounded by a group of some 70 armed men in uniforms, called for military units to support him in the “final phase” of a plan to end Maduro's “usurpation” of power.

The revolt sparked two days of clashes between dozens of Guido’s supporters and security forces.