Venezuela Government Ready to Discuss All Matters with Opposition: Maduro

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Venezuelan government is ready to engage in negotiations on all topics with the country’s opposition in order to resolve the crisis in the country, President Nicolas Maduro has said.

According to the president, a Venezuelan governmental delegation headed to Norway to discuss the possibility of talks with the opposition because they "believe in dialogue."

"We are ready to discuss in complex any issue related to the country in order to find a democratic solution to the conflict," Maduro said during a meeting with the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), broadcast by Venezolana de Television.

According to Maduro, a governmental delegation has been sent to Norway, comprising Communications and Information Minister Jorge Rodriguez, Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza and Miranda State Governor Hector Rodriguez, TASS news agency reported.

On May 16, negotiators representing Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s government and opposition leader Juan Guaido met in Oslo for the first time to discuss ways to resolve the political crisis in the country. Maduro later described the consultations as very positive.

The Norwegian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday that representatives of the Venezuelan government and opposition would soon hold another meeting in Oslo as part of preparations for dialogue brokered by Norway. Unlike many other European countries, Norway has not recognized Guaido as Venezuela’s interim president.