Syria Condemns Turkish Military Build-Up at Borders

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syria’s foreign ministry said in a statement that it condemned Turkish military build-up at the country’s borders and promised to take action if necessary.

According to SANA, the Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Ministry in a statement on Wednesday condemned - in strongest terms - the hostile intentions of the Turkish government and its military build-up at the Syrian borders which constitute an outrageous violation of the international law and a blatant breach of the United Nations Security Council’s resolutions which affirm respecting Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The statement added that the hostile behavior of Turkish president Recep Tayyib Erdogan’s government appears clearly through the Turkish expansionist ambitions in the Syrian territories, and it couldn’t be justified under any pretext, and what it claims regarding the security of the borders is refuted by its ignorance of Adana Agreement.

It continued that the Syrian Arab Republic holds some of the Kurdish organizations responsible for what is taking place due to their subordination to the US project as they have been previously warned during meetings against the dangers of that project and be careful not to become tools serving the US policy against their homeland, but these organizations have insisted on doing so.

The ministry added that the Syrian Arab Republic reaffirms country’s sanctity, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and it affirms determination and willingness to confront the Turkish aggression by all legitimate means and it asserts that it is ready to embrace all of its misled citizens if they return to the righteous road in a way that would guarantee Syria’s unity and territorial integrity.

The statement concluded that Syria reminds that if Erdogan’s government insists on launching its aggression, it will be classified as a terrorist organization and it (Turkey) will absolutely lose its position as a guarantor of Astana process and will deal a strong blow to the political process as a whole.