Rouhani Lauds Resistance of Iran, Venezuela against US Plots

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani praised the resistance of the Iranian and Venezuelan nations against the US bullying and pressure as “praiseworthy” and said Washington’s plots against the Islamic Republic and the Latin American country have failed.

“The Americans have failed in any plots and goals they have followed in our region, from Iraq and Syria to Palestine, Afghanistan and Yemen, and all their conspiracies against us have failed,” Rouhani said at a meeting with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in Baku on Friday on the sidelines of the Non-Aligned Movement Summit.

“In the recent months, Iran’s major economic indices have shown positive trend and this indicates that the plots of (global) arrogance, the US, and their pressures have been futile,” he added.

Rouhani further hauled the growing relations between Iran and Venezuela and said, Tehran is ready to develop its relations with Caracas in all areas of mutual interest.

“Iran and Venezuela have always supported each other in all international and political communities and will continue to do so,” he went on to say.

Maduro, for his part, called for further development of ties between Tehran and Caracas, saying the joint economic commission of the two countries has prepared the ground for closer cooperation.

Heading a high-ranking delegation, Rouhani arrived in Baku to address the 18th NAM Summit, slated for October 25-26 in the Azeri capital, and explain the Islamic Republic’s positions on important regional and international issues.

The preparatory senior officials meeting of the NAM summit was held on October 21-22 and the two-day preparatory ministerial meeting was held on Wednesday and Thursday.

Host Azerbaijan was planned to take over the chairmanship of the NAM for the next three years at the Baku Summit.


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