Syrian Army Advances in Eastern Idlib Province (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Syrian army liberated more villages in its military operations against terrorist groups in eastern Idlib countryside on Saturday afternoon.

The villages of Louf and Qamhana on the direction of Maarat al-Numan and Khan al-Sobul axis located to the East of city of Saraqeb were recaptured by the army following clashes with Takfiri terrorists.

SANA reported that the army had fierce clashes with al-Nusra Front terrorists positioned in the villages of Louf and Qamhana prior to their recapture.

New footages of the Syrian army battling with the militants show the Syrian military forces firing multiple rockets, while the troops target militants who are still present in multiple locations in the province, including Ma’saran, Maarrat Dibsah, Khan Assubul, and Hartamyah.

The Syrian army has been steadily advancing for weeks and liberating Idlib towns and villages previously held by the militants.