French Riot Police Violently Clash with Protesters in Bordeaux (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A video has emerged on social media showing a French police officer violently hitting a protester as his colleagues try to stop other protesters from filming the incident.

In the footage, the officer is seen approaching and striking a man who is standing on the side walk during an anti-government yellow vest protest in Bordeaux.

The incident was captured by other protesters at Saturday's demonstration.

French protesters highly criticized western media for ignoring their demonstrations and especially censoring police violence against marchers.

Weekly yellow vest rallies have taken place across France since November 2018.

The movement, whose members wear yellow high-visibility jackets, oppose the status quo in France and see French President Emmanuel Macron as propping up the elite at the expense of ordinary citizens.

Demonstrators gather in the streets of France every week to protests against Macron's policies, which according to them have brought so much poverty and misery to France.