Iranian Freestylers Claim Four Medals in Asian Championships

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Four Iranian freestyle wrestlers won medals at the Asian Championships in New Delhi, India on Saturday.

World U-23 champion Mojtaba Goleij improved on his silver medal from 2018 when he outmuscled Indian Salywart Kadian to take the 97kg gold with a 10-0 technical fall.

Amir Hossein Hosseini lost to Uzbekistan’s Ilyas Bekbulatov 10-6 in the final match of the 70kg and gained a silver.

Amir Hossein Azim Maghsoudi beat Abbos Rakhmonov from Uzbekistan 2-0 in the 65kg bronze medal match.

And Ali Bakhtiar Savadkouhi defeated Kazakhstan’s Galymzhan Usserbayev 5-0 in the bronze medal match of the 79kg.

The final five freestyle titles will take place on Sunday as the Championships conclude