Joe Biden’s Detroit Rally Disrupted by Protesters (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's rally was disrupted by protesters shortly after taking the stage in Detroit Monday night.

Two sets of protesters disrupted the rally for the Democratic presidential frontrunner. One was protesting against the NAFTA trade agreement, while the other advocated for the "Green New Deal."

Several protesters emerged from the crowd, who were then removed by security. Biden said "The Bernie Bros are here!”, "Let them go, folks, that's OK! This is not a Trump rally!"

Biden lost control of the rally for several minutes as the protesters chanted against him, and his supporters counter-chanted, "let's go Joe!"

Videos of the disruption were circulated on social media immediately.

March 10 will see 6 more states head to the polls in the Democratic Primaries: Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota and Washington. The contests will be the first since Super Tuesday, which saw Biden emerge victorious in 10 out of 15 states, to retake the lead in estimated pledged delegates with 670 to US Senator Bernie Sanders's 574.