Iran Slams US for Obstructing Medicine Delivery

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman dismissed the US’ claim that medicines have been exempted from the sanctions against Tehran, saying Washington is practically blocking the delivery of medicine and throwing a wrench in a Swiss financial channel for trade with Iran.

In remarks on Wednesday, Seyed Abbas Mousavi slammed the measures taken by the US authorities as “nothing but deception.”

“They opened a limited financial channel with hullabaloo but do not allow us to bring the resources we have in various places into this channel,” he deplored.

“We have been holding talks for three weeks with one of the countries in which we have financial resources, and they claim, emphasize and insist that the Americans are blocking this and do not allow our resources in that country to enter into this channel so that we could use them in the current circumstances and purchase the items we need,” Mousavi explained, according to IFP.

“As a result, we deem that their (Americans’) words and claims are nothing but exaggeration and deception as long as they are not taking practical measures and the obstacles are not removed,” he stated.

Denouncing the US’ claims of support as mere slogan, the Iranian spokesman said if Washington is sincere in what it is saying, it must declare that all channels for the delivery of pharmaceutical and medical products to Iran are open and announce how the deliveries could be made without any obstacles.

“Despite their (US’) claim that the pharmaceutical items are exempted from the sanctions, they have practically blocked the road, and even this Swiss channel that they have opened has limited resources,” the spokesperson said.

“We requested that they allow our other resources in various countries to enter into this (Swiss) channel, but they declined,” Mousavi said, stressing that the US must allow the Iranian nation’s assets to be included in the financial channel for the purchase of medicine.