Paris Yellow Vests Protesters Ignore Coronavirus Measures (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Yellow Vests protesters and antifa activists clashed with police in Paris on Saturday at a rally ahead of France's local elections. 

Footages on social media show riot police firing tear gas and clash with protesters who responded with smoke bombs, rocks and other objects. 

Protesters took to the streets despite the government ban on gatherings of more than 100 people to help curb the outbreak of coronavirus in France.

Several arrests were reported as protesters continue to march on every Saturday since late 2018 when the Yellow Vests movement began and regained momentum in December 2019 with a nationwide strike against pension reforms. 

On Thursday French President Emmanuel Macron announced schools would be closed and urged people to stay at home amid the deadly coronavirus outbreak which killed 79 in France and infected at least 3,661.