Zarif to Trump: Iran Will Be Exporting Ventilators Soon

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – In response to Donald Trump’s recent claim that the US would be willing to give coronavirus aid, such as ventilators, to Iran, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the Islamic Republic will be exporting ventilators in a few months.

“Iran will be EXPORTING ventilators in a few months, @realdonaldtrump. All you need to do is stop interfering in the affairs of other nations; mine especially. And believe me, we do not take advice from ANY American politician,” Zarif tweeted on Sunday.

Earlier in the day, the US president said, “I have offered to help them (Iran) if they want. If they need ventilators, which they do, I would send them ventilators. We have thousands of excess ventilators. We have a stockpile of ventilators.” 

Iran has been doing its utmost to contain the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, despite the hardships caused by Washington’s cruel sanctions.

More than 57,000 patients have recovered from the coronavirus in Iran, as the daily death toll from COVID-19 in the country dropped for the sixth consecutive day on Sunday.

The United States, for its part, has the most confirmed coronavirus cases globally at 739,502. More than 39,000 people have died in the US as of Sunday.