Seven Daesh Terrorists Killed in Iraq’s Diyala

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iraqi troops launched an operation against Daesh terrorists in the east of Diyala, killing seven militants.

An Iraqi security source, speaking to the Arabic-language al-Sumeria news website on condition of anonymity, said the Arab country’s troops targeted a hideout of the Daesh terror group near Hamrin Mountains.

He added that seven militants were killed and several others injured during the assault.

Two Iraqi troops were also injured by Daesh snipers, the source said.

Daesh has intensified its attacks in Iraq amid Baghdad’s call on the US to pull out its forces from the Arab country.

In a vote on January 5, the Iraqi parliament called for an end to the presence of all foreign troops, including Americans.

The vote came two days after the US military - acting on US President Donald Trump’s order - launched a fatal drone strike on senior Iranian anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani upon his arrival in the Iraqi capital at the invitation of the Baghdad government.

The attack also claimed the lives of Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s PMU or Hashd al-Sha’abi, along with eight other Iranian and Iraqi people.

Washington has threatened sanctions should US troops be expelled instead of heeding the Iraqi parliament’s call to end the occupation of the country.