Iran Warns IAEA Not to Make Unconstructive Decision

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Abbas Mousavi cautioned the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Board of Governors that an unconstructive decision on the basis of the Zionist regime’s claims would draw a proportionate response from Tehran.

Speaking at a weekly press conference on Monday, Mousavi criticized the IAEA for raising anti-Iranian claims that are founded upon alleged “documents” provided by the Israeli espionage service.

“We urge the agency (IAEA) to be a little realistic about it, to pose its question (from Iran) on a legal basis, and not to get entangled in marginal issues,” the spokesman said.

Bemoaning the fact that the upcoming meeting of the IAEA Board of Governors on Iran is founded upon a report from the Zionist regime, Mousavi said, “We do not deem such an approach of the agency constructive. Our cooperation with the agency continued even when it (the IAEA) reduced commitments. If such a process goes on, the interaction with the organization (IAEA) will become difficult.”

The Iranian diplomat expressed hope that the UN nuclear agency would not make an “irrelevant and unconstructive” decision.

“Naturally, if they make an unconstructive decision, Iran will show a proportionate reaction, and they probably know what the decision would be,” he said, adding, “We hope the results of the (IAEA Board of Governors) meeting would be constructive for regional peace and stability.”

The IAEA Board of Governors will meet on Monday to discuss reports that Iran has blocked inspection of two sites where “nuclear activity may have occurred”.

The Vienna-based IAEA expressed “serious concern” in a report earlier this month claiming that Iran has been blocking inspections at the sites.