Police Officers Use Pepper Spray on Retreating Protesters in Seattle (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Seattle police officers were seen using pepper spray on protesters during a Black Lives Matters protest in the city on Sunday.

Police have clashed with protesters in Seattle, Oakland and Richmond amid a wave of public anger over US President Donald Trump's planned "surge" of federal agents into major cities.

Police in Seattle used flashbang grenades and pepper spray against protesters who set fire to construction trailers outside a youth jail.

The incident was captured by Joey Wieser, an "independent media" live streamer who was recording the demonstration when police pushed and sprayed him. Wieser can be heard screaming in pain and asking for help from protesters.

The sounds of repeated small detonations rang out in the streets of the city in Washington state, and smoke rose from an area where demonstrators had set fire to trailers by a construction site for the youth detention facility.

Demonstrators slashed car tires and smashed trailer windows.

Police in riot gear faced off against the demonstrators, some of whom held up umbrellas against falling pellets of pepper spray.