Protests against Federal Officers’ Presence Continue in Portland (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Protesters gathered in Portland, US state of Oregon, early on Wednesday, for a new round of protests over the presence and actions of federal forces using force against demonstrators.

Among the protesters, dozens of women dressed in yellow, known as the 'Wall of Moms' were seen arriving at the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse.

Portland has seen 61 consecutive days of protests, which started in late May following the death of George Floyd and gained traction over the past few days as the federal officers were deployed sparking renewed tensions.

During the latest protests, federal officers used tear gas and force to try to disperse large crowds of protesters outside the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse. US President Donald Trump has said he might send law enforcement to other cities to defend federal buildings from “anarchists and agitators”. ​