Pakistanis Condemn Israel-UAE Deal in Islamabad (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A large number of Pakistani religious and political leaders attended a protest on Friday to express solidarity with the Palestinians and condemn an agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel aimed at establishing their diplomatic relations.

The protesters burned US and Israeli flags and held messages in support of Palestine as they gathered in groups and walked through the capital city, The News reported.

The Palestine Foundation Pakistan (PLF) also organized another protest in Karachi where participants chanted slogans against the Zionist regime and torched its flag.

The protesters said the UAE disregarded the sacrifices rendered by thousands of Palestinians for their cause. They also supported the Pakistan government's decision to not recognize Israel at any cost, and said that the Pakistanis would not give up the struggle for the Palestinian cause.

They also declared that the UAE-Israel agreement on normalizing their relations under an American-brokered deal would have adverse effects on the Muslim world.