Jahanbakhsh Hails Brighton Coach Potter

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran international winger Alireza Jahanbakhsh says that Brighton Coach Graham Potter has helped him become a better player.

The 27-year-old has been pleased with the relationship he has built since Potter’s arrival as head coach in May 2019.

“Our coach-player relationship is really good. I believe I have improved a lot under guidance of him and I hope that I have shown that with my performances recently,” Jahanbakhsh told brightonandhovealbion.com.

“I have got a really good relationship with everyone at the club. There are always ups and downs because players want to play every game, but there is situations like that in every job. He talks to us and helps us, which is nice as a player.

“I am trying to show the manager every day in training that I am ready to go. Obviously it is up to the gaffer whether or not he puts me in the team but it’s my responsibility to train well so that when he calls on me I am ready to perform. I want to be important to us in every game,” he added.