Iran Raps Terror Attacks in Kabul

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for Iran’s Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the terrorist attacks that have killed more than 24 civilians in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul.

“The dear Afghanistan once again was injured by blind terrorism. Afghan students fell victim to ugly violence and an endless war they had never chosen,” Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said in a tweet on Saturday.

“Tonight, Iran is mourning the tragedy in Afghanistan,” the spokesman added, offering condolences to the Afghan nation and government over the terrorist attacks.

On Saturday, a roadside bomb hit a passenger bus in Kabul, killing nine civilians, including three women.

Adam Khan Seerat, the Ghazni police spokesman, said four policemen were also wounded in the attack, which he blamed on the Taliban, Press TV reported.

In another incident in Kabul, at least 13 people were killed when a bomber blew himself up at an education center.