IRGC Chief Visits Iran’s Borderline near Azeri-Armenian Clash Site

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Major General Hossein Salami visited Iran’s northwestern border areas near a battlefield where Azeri and Armenian forces have been exchanging fire in recent weeks.

The IRGC commander was not in uniform when he visited the northwestern border region close to the Aras river on Monday.

The border area in Khoda Afarin county is the closest region to the common border with the Republic of Azerbaijan and Armenia, which started a new round of fighting over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region a few weeks ago.

After monitoring the latest developments in the region, Major General Salami issued the necessary orders to step up security at the border areas.

On Sunday, IRGC Ground Force Commander Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpoor said more units may be deployed to Iran’s northwestern border areas amid the fighting between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Armenia to ensure security in the region.

The IRGC Ground Force has deployed a mechanized brigade to protect the country’s northwestern border amid ongoing firefight between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.

The location of the deployment was identified as the areas running alongside the border in the Khoda Afarin and Jolfa counties.