Fox News Cuts Off Trump's Press Secretary for Claims of 'Illegal Votes' (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Fox News cut away from a briefing held by the White House press secretary, during which she repeated US President Donald Trump’s allegations of voter fraud.

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto on Monday cut away from a press briefing featuring Kayleigh McEnany, who is both the White House press secretary and a Trump campaign spokesperson, as she continued to push the campaign's baseless claims of election fraud.

"She's charging the other side as welcoming fraud and illegal voting. Unless she has more details to back that up, I can't in good countenance continue to show you this," Cavuto said as he cut off the press conference, pushing back on what he described as "explosive" charges from McEnany.

"Not so fast," Cavuto added.

McEnany suggested, without evidence, that Democrats welcomed "fraud" and "illegal voting" in the 2020 election.

"We want every legal vote to be counted," McEnany said, echoing Trump's unsubstantiated claim that votes for President-elect Joe Biden were illegal.

Though multiple major news outlets, including Fox News, have declared Biden the projected winner of the 2020 election, Trump has refused to concede and is rejecting the results.

The Trump campaign has presented no evidence to substantiate allegations of fraud and seen little success in its efforts to present legal challenges to the results of the election.

A number of the lawsuits brought by the Trump campaign have already been dismissed because they lacked merit.