Iran’s Ex-Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Yazdi Passes Away

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Ex-Judiciary chief and former member of Iran’s Assembly of Experts Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi passed away at age 89 on Wednesday.

Born in 1931 in Iran’s central city of Isfahan, Ayatollah Yazdi became a leading political figure after victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1978.

The late chairman of the supreme council of community of religious teachers was a member of the Assembly of Experts until 2015.

The former chief of Iran’s Judiciary was also a member of the Parliament for several terms and was elected as the Parliament speaker for one year.

In 2020, Ayatollah Yazdi resigned from the Guardian Council’s board of Fuqaha (Islamic jurists) due to poor health.

In November, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei appointed a new member to the Guardian Council’s board, paying tribute to Ayatollah Yazdi for years of “valuable service” to the Islamic Republic in various posts.