Zarif Hails Qatar’s Successful Resistance to Pressure

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif admired Qatar for its brave struggle against extortion following rapprochement between four Arab states and Doha after three years, calling on the Arab neighbors to take Iran’s offer for a strong region.

“Congratulations to Qatar for the success of its brave resistance to pressure & extortion,” the top Iranian diplomat said in a post on his Twitter account on Tuesday.

“To our other Arab neighbors: Iran is neither an enemy nor threat. Enough scapegoating—especially with your reckless patron on his way out,” Zarif added, referring to the termination of Donald Trump’s tenure as the US president.

“Time to take our offer for a strong region,” Zarif noted, concluding his message with the hashtag “HOPE”, a regional peace initiative proposed by Iran.

His comments came after four Arab states that had imposed an embargo against Qatar for three years restored diplomatic relations with Doha.

Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt cut ties with Qatar in 2017, accusing it of supporting terrorism.

Doha denied the accusation and rejected the conditions for ending the partial blockade, including closing the Doha-based Al Jazeera broadcast network and curbing relations with Iran.