Iran Slams UK Police Suppression of Protests in Bristol

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for Iran’s Foreign Ministry called on human rights advocates not to remain silent about the UK Police’s crackdown on protestors in Bristol.

“We hope the recent incidents in Britain’s Bristol, which resulted in the severe suppression of protestors by the police, would not be ignored by the advocates of human rights, including that country’s (UK) authorities, and would be dealt with seriously,” Saeed Khatibzadeh said on Sunday.

“We have always seen interventionist comments from the UK officials about the police’s behavior towards protestors in other countries, but it’s their turn this time to show how genuinely they care about the primary rights of their own people and the excessive police violence,” the Iranian spokesman added.

Several demonstrations have been held in Bristol to oppose a proposed legislation that would grant police new powers to restrict street protests.

The proposed policing bill, along with the violent break-up of a vigil to a murdered woman earlier this month and the arrest of a serving police officer on suspicion of her murder, has put relations between British police and much of the public under severe strain.

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill is a major piece of legislation brought forward by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s governing Conservative Party government.

It includes a range of proposals for reform of the crime and justice system in England and Wales, from toughening sentences for those who assault emergency workers to modernizing court proceedings.