Russia Never Threatened Anyone with Sanctions, Spokeswoman Says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russia has never threatened anyone with its response sanctions, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on her Facebook page, commenting on the remark of President of the European Parliament David Sassoli, who was earlier banned from entering Russia.

Earlier on Friday, the Russian Foreign Ministry published a statement listing eight EU citizens who are banned from entering Russian territory. Besides Sassoli, the list includes Berlin chief prosecutor Jorg Raupach, Head of the CBRN Protection and Security Division at the Swedish Defense Research Agency Asa Scott, and Vice President of the European Commission for Values and Transparency Vera Jourova, TASS reported.

The measure was taken in response to the European Council’s sanctions against six Russian nationals of March 2 and 22, 2021.

In response to Moscow’s decision, Sassoli stated on Twitter: "No sanctions or intimidation will stop the (European Parliament) or me from defending human rights, freedom, and democracy. Threats will not silence us."

"They won’t silence us, either," Zakharova said in response. "But did we threaten anyone?"