Historian Who Consulted Reagan Says US Media Untrustworthy, 'All Lies'

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – American media are not trustworthy at the moment, telling "all lies now, all the time," Suzanne Massie, a historian who advised US president Ronald Reagan on Russia, told Russian media.

"We cannot read our own media because it is all lies now, all the time," Massie said, as quoted by the broadcaster.

The historian is critical of incumbent US President Joe Biden, too.

"He is someone who is not a president. He is a puppet," she said, adding that Washington is "a swamp" now, Sputnik reported.

The scholar recently traveled to Russia for the Victory Day military parade, which took place in Moscow on 9 May. Massie said she had been warned back at home against traveling to Russia.

Massie researched Russia as a scholar, traveled there many times, and, in the final years of the Cold War, became first an adviser to Reagan, then informal intermediary between the White House and Moscow. She is considered to have played an important role in helping Washington and Moscow overcome their differences.

This visit came at the time when the Russian-US relations had already been at a low point for a long period. The US recently expelled 10 Russian diplomats and imposed sanctions on 32 Russian entities and individuals as part of a new round of sanctions over Moscow's alleged cyberattacks and other hostile acts against US interests.

Moscow stressed that the allegations were groundless and the sanctions were not conducive to a stable relationship. In response to this US step, Moscow added the United States to the list of unfriendly countries.