Foreign Interference Fueling Regional Tensions, Iranian President Warns

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi decried foreign interference as a main factor behind regional tensions and threats, stressing the need for collective cooperation among regional states to ensure sustainable security and calm.

“Cooperation and synergy among regional countries without foreign interference are prerequisites for regional stability and security, the establishment of peace in countries of the region, and welfare of its nations,” Raisi said in a meeting with Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, held in Tehran on Tuesday.

Iran believes that dialogue among regional countries aimed at finding solutions to the existing problems and improving relations would promote security and stability, while foreign meddling in the region’s affairs would increase tensions, he added.

The president also noted that the Islamic Republic has always attached importance to the settlement of problems in Iraq, and that Tehran regards Baghdad’s development and advancement as its own.

The Iranian president finally thanked Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi for inviting him to take part in a conference of Iraq’s neighboring countries due to be held later this month, Press TV reported.

The Iraqi foreign minister, for his part, said the upcoming conference would support the political process and economic development in his country.

Hussein said the meeting would also be a step towards collective cooperation among regional countries in establishing lasting security in the region.

The Iraqi diplomat added that durable security in the region would not be achieved without the presence of Iran and Iraq, and that the Baghdad conference would prepare the ground for promoting regional dialog in order to reach a collective understanding.